On July 23 the „Symposium Elektromobilität“ will take place in Ostfildern near Stuttgart. Our CEO, Dr. Ulrich W. Schiefer, will present new insights with his presentation „Car2Drive or Drive2Car?“.

The first time after more than 120 years Automobile History, the industry needs to take care for more than one motor and propulsion method in the same vehicle. And this inherent complexity is superceeded by the mixture of both types of propulsion called hybrid.

The importance of package quality is evident. Missing excellence on that behalf causes heavy and inefficient vehicles. The good news within all the constraints, is the opportunity of taking care for both breeds from the very beginning.

But this needs the knowledge about the use of every possible driveline at the point in time when people draw the vehicle’s first lines. On the other hand, a purpose design for the different drive types provides massive package and weight advantages.

Dr. Schiefer will emphasize both hurdles and opportunities for the vehicle design with different drive types.

We look forward to your visit.


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