Keep the business knowledge up to date this know #KelloggWHU alumni, who have participated in the #LifeLongLearnig! Recently Dr. Ulrich W. Schiefer, Class of 2000, joined #KW26 for the entire module in Vallendar. He values the option to refresh this what he has had learned almost twenty-five years ago.
He took the chance to network with our latest intake but also gave something to the cohort. Ulrich spontaneously shared a presentation about his work experience in the automotive industry.
What did he say about the module?
“It was a brilliant experience to come back to our WHU in Vallendar.
Both lessons on “Big Data” with Prof. Schmedders and “Business Strategies” with Prof. Sarit Markovich were very helpful for AtTrack GmbH’s automotive business. As usual Hanne and her #EMBA Team took care, so that we could fully concentrate on lessons and networking with the actual cohort.
One time further, I never ever had to regret to travel to Vallendar!”
It was also a pleasure for the Kellogg-WHU EMBA team to host you on campus. We look forward seeing you again in Vallendar!
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